v e n u s

About Us

Expert Team Members

Our Team at Your Service

Aravinda Rodrigo

Managing Director

Donald Godfred

Enrollment Manager

Nethmini Meegama

Assistant Manager

Sachini Ariyathilake

Visa Officer

Yashoda Subashini

Visa Officer

Rebecca Rodrigo

Senior Student Counselor

Kaushan Aroshana

Senior Student Counselor

Shyni Tharuka

Marketing Executive cum Student Counselor
Our Values

Offer custom-made services that
our customer needs.


We know that without risk there's no innovation. We're bold enough to question ideas, provoke new ways of thinking, strip away the superfluous and focus on those things at which we can excel.


We are an integrated team. We are about trust, collaboration and connectivity across our different disciplines .


We respect and celebrate diversity. With a generosity of spirit, we value emotional intelligence as well as knowledge, empowering each other and enabling our students to realize their full potential.


We demand excellence. and we expect the very highest standards of ourselves and our students.

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